

My new hair cut...

I know I haven’t posted for a really long time, forgive me, I have been trying to figure out what to write about for the last few days and I finally am able to just sit down and type it all out. Much has happened in the last month. Car and I went to Singapore and got 60 day visas, I’ve worked a lot, we have done outreach many times, said goodbye to volunteers, and much more. While all of these things have been a huge part of my time here I desire to share more about what is happening in the ministry of NightLight.

In the last month the Lord has really been working within the ministry. While there have been a few girls leaving NightLight, there have been many new girls that have chosen to leave prostitution and join us. For most the decision to leave prostitution is a costly one in the sense that they typically have to give up around a week’s pay in order to get out and find a new job.

Yesterday I was able to talk to the CEO of NightLight and she was able to share with me about a girl who came in yesterday morning, heard the gospel, and accepted Christ. Praise God. Today was her first day working for NightLight. Now that she has chosen this life she will be fed through a daily morning bible study and a weekly deeper study. She will have encouragement from staff and other workers. Lord willing she we constantly be learning about God.

Praise God that all of this was able to happen. As I have been learning, most women have been here for over a year attending a Bible study, but have never chosen to follow the Lord. Typically it is a very slow process, so praise God that this girl was able to choose life, especially so quickly.

The more I learn about NightLight the more I appreciate my time here. The Lord has been teaching me so much about serving on a personal level. I came with certain expectations, and the Lord has shown me His plan. My work here is valuable, whatever it may be, because it is to the glory of the Lord. So as I sit in an office and complete jewelry orders, or count and separate beads, I have complete joy knowing that my work is in service to NightLight and to God.

Here are some pictures from around the bars...


Adrian Martinez said...

keep it up baby. Praise God that we can lean on His plans and purposes for us and for everyone around us as well. Praise God for choosing us to be saved and I pray that He will redeem the women there at Nightlight for His glory and for the joy that comes from Him.

Anna Margaret said...

In the country of Israel there are two seas, both fed by the same river, the river Jordan. If you went alongside one of those seas, you would find children playing by the banks, trees growing alongside, and life apparent everywhere. But you would find people avoiding anywhere near the other sea; they take another route and go in another direction. There is no sign of life or vegetation-there is nothing at all but barrenness.
What is the difference between the two? There is no differnce in the source of supply, for the same river supplies both. But the difference is this: that for every drop of water that goes into Galilee(that, of course, is the first sea) another drop goes out. What it receives, it gives. It takes in, it gives out. All around it is life, blossoming fruit, abundance. But the other sea hoards its resources and refuses to let out a single drop. It keeps everthing it takes in. And its name is Dead.
To give is to live. To restrain, to hold, to guard, to hoard, is to die. The same river of life in the power of the Spirit of God comes into your heart and into mine; and I would leave that parable with you. Freely you have received; the Lord help us to freely give.
Alan Redpath
Dear Sarah-
Keep giving...for it makes your Father in heaven smile and you glorify His Holy Name.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh! sarah your hair is so cute! i love it. and i love you, and i love that God is loving through you! that is a lot of love. wow. haha. im glad you finally posted. it's awesome what God is doing in your heart, and through your willingness to serve!! =]